Welcome to Reflections in Ink, a.k.a. the Ink Blog, my first stab at adding a blog to my writing repertoire. For more than eight years now, I have been writing for a living: for newspapers and magazines, web sites and newsletters, companies and clients, and, most of all, for myself. And for 20 years I have been writing in journals, penning hand-written notes to my closest friends and family, and writing songs and stories, some of which see the light, others which may never find their way in front of any other eyes but my own.
Now I'm adding a blog, and while this first step is exciting, I can't say that I know exactly what I hope it will achieve. I don't expect crowds, but certainly I'd love to attract more readers — and, secondarily, maybe even some prospective clients — to my words. It's something that I'm sure will evolve and grow on its own as it matures. I want it to be a place where I can put down the thoughts in my head that I want to share with other people; those thoughts that I'd love to be able to say out loud eloquently but, because I am a writer and not an orator, never can. To be honest, this will also serve as a place for me to publish the writing of mine that for one reason or another doesn't catch the attention of whatever publications I've pitched it to. It happens to all writers, but that doesn't mean the stories aren't deserving of a bigger stage. This will be mine.
And finally, I also envision the Ink Blog as a resource of sorts for anyone looking for thoughts on the written word, the great outdoors, music and literature and wine and travel and home improvement and Oregon, the Northwest, the Midwest, and life with a beautiful wife, a cherished daughter and a black lab unlike any other. And that — and this — is just the beginning . . .
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